Who hasn’t heard of the power of EQ?

Emotional Intelligence Class

The importance of Emotional Intelligence (EQ) cannot be overstated.  Sources such as Forbes and The Harvard Review identify why this soft-skill is critical for your career growth. 


EQ isn’t something most have naturally,  but it can be developed.   Like whatever field you’re in ~ Tech, Finance, and Sciences you weren’t born knowing this ‘hard-skills.’   It took time, study, and practice to become talented professional you are today.  It’s the same with EQ.


If you want to become a first-time manager or  more Senior Leader,  growing your EQ is what gets you there.


Invest in yourself to have the advantage you need in today’s competitive environment.

EQ class | virtual emotional intelligence class | ExecLauncher

Why Does EQ Matter?

Emotional intelligence (EQ) is a greater indicator of success than IQ by a longshot!  Why?  


Picture this:  you have Einstein on your team, but  no one wants to work with him because of his outbursts.  Or he has no desire to communicate and collaborate with anyone or even share his ideas.  He’d rather be left alone.  While this is an extreme example it illustrates the point.  You can be the best and brightest in your field, but that’s not what gets you ahead.


Understanding yourself and others helps you to connect more authentically and with greater influence and impact.  You can more skillfully navigate the corporate environment and be more strategic.  Growing your EQ is a career game-changer.


Key Take-Aways

The key benefits of emotional intelligence are to:

Real. Measurable. Results

The great thing about EQ is that it can grow and changes.  Before class you’ll take a test to measure your EQ in four areas.  When you’ve finished the program you’ll take it again and see the change!  The numbers speak for themselves.

Our classes are in groups of 15 and it’s small for a reason.  You receive individualized feedback and attention while learning in a group and observing others.  It’s a powerful combination! 

Armed with new skills, you can better manage conflict, connect more authentically with others, understand and manage your own emotions and much more. 

EQ class | virtual emotional intelligence class | ExecLauncher
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