Communication Excellence Classes

Our Communication Excellence Classes Help You to Grow Your Brand, Authority, and Credibility.

Every time you communicate at work, you’re either growing your brand or hurting it.


Growing it means you’re viewed as an industry expert, subject matter authority, and a great (potential) leader by your colleagues and Senior Leadership.


Hurting it means that when you talk people check out. 

They don’t take you seriously. 

It hurts your credibility and career.

Communication Classes | Online Communication Classes | ExecLauncher

Here's Why The Class Works~

What People Think~

Is Your Message Sometimes 'All Over The Place?'

You know what you want to say.  It’s crystal clear in your mind. 


When you start talking, people are looking at you with confused blank stares.  They have no clue what you’re trying to say.  None. 


This could happen when you’re nervous.  Or maybe it’s just your communication style.


Our communication tool helps you to think and speak like a high-functioning leader.  Say goodbye to blank stares and confused looks!

Communication Classes | Kim Van Borkulo | Communication Class

Here's What You Get From Our Live-Virtual Classes

We meet live virtually.  There are no prerecorded cookie-cutter materials to watch!


  • 8 weeks of 1 1/2-hour classes (12 hours of training total)
  • Learn our proprietary communication tool that helps you to think and speak like a high-functioning Leader
  • Get at least 2 practice sessions each week answering questions
  • Get one-on-one coaching and feedback every class
  • Classes are recorded so that you can review your progress
  • Learn how to create high-impact statements to showcase your accomplishments (and get bigger bonuses & promotions more quickly)
  • Create SMART goals when meeting with your manager or skip to take your career to the next level
  • And much more!

Key Takeaways

Learning Together

Space is limited to only ten spaces, and it’s small for a reason; This is a safe space that allows for greater individual learning and growth.


Whether you’re a Senior Leader or a newer professional, you’ll find that you have much in common with your classmates.   You can make friends, advocates, and allies.


Every class has live practicum exercises with real-time feedback. You learn by doing and observing others.

Virtual Communication Classes | Communication Classes | ExecLauncher

Testimonials- What Our Clients Say

Public Speaking Course | Communication Class | ExecLauncher
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