Top Secret Communication tool | Communication Class | Communication | ExecLauncher

Top Secret Tool Takes The Headache Out Of Communication For Good

Using our ground-breaking communication tool, the Speak Genius®, you can take the headache out of communication for good.  It’s effective for extreme introverts and long-winded people that ramble.


It’s extremely effective for people in tech, data, or the sciences.  If you’re like most, you are a deep thinker and have a healthy dose of skepticism.

Do these characteristics sound like you?  

  • You love a challenge and the more difficult the better.
  • You’re both creative and logical. 
  • At work, you live mostly in logic. You enjoy creating scalable structures, systems, and processes for problem-solving with excellence.  
  • You’re creative in your free time (and at work thinking outside the box) and might own a local microbrewery or do pottery.

The qualities listed above are why Speak Genius® works so well for this group. It’s the #1 takeaway. If you’ve been struggling with communication for years, you can learn to master it.

Communication tool | Kim Van borkulo | ExecLauncher

Here’s an analogy that explains why.   Think about a calculator. 

  • Before you begin, you want the right answer.
  • You input the variables, and the methodology never changes.  When you’re adding, you type in the first number, hit the plus sign, put in the 2nd number, and press equal.   
  • There is a standardized system to process the data.
  • The output is your answer.

Speak Genius®, at the 30,000-foot view, is the same. 

  • Before you begin, you want the correct answer. 
  • You input the variables, and the methodology never changes.  The data, in this case, is a question you’re answering or information you want to share. The framework never changes.
  • There is a standardized system to process the data.   One methodology applies every single time.
  • The output is your answer.

Wouldn’t it be great if it were as easy as a calculator?   No, not really.  Anything worthwhile requires learning and effort.  Doesn’t it?  If it were too easy, the reward in mastering it wouldn’t matter.

Speak Genius® works in all forms of communication and is just as effective in casual conversations as it is in high-stakes meetings with leadership. 

I teach Speak Genius® in my communication classes and these have a maximum of 15 people (all male or female), is eight weeks, and the first five are deep dives into the framework, methodology, and the reasoning behind it. 

In the Microsoft-only class, when we first started doing live practicum exercises in front of the group they’d say, “This is terrifying!  Can we do it every week?!”   See what I mean when I say that you love a challenge? 

The results speak for themselves:

  • Dhayna had a radical transformation.  Her manager, skip and peers asked, “what are you doing?  It’s like your a different person.”  She went from being silent to speaking with confidence and impact.  She’s been given new career opportunities.
  • People who hadn’t met with their skip levels in years (or ever)  armed with the Speak Genius®, had the confidence to do this in three weeks;  This gave them the visibility and credibility they needed for career advancement.
  • People who began using the framework immediately got results.  Some of their managers and colleagues said, for the first time, “You have what it takes to be a leader.”  Some never imagined this for themselves.  

The class is a powerful game-changer and many have stated ‘it’s the best thing you can do for yourself and your career.’ 

It’s easy to understand the basics of the framework.  Applying it skillfully is another matter.  Most use it the next day at work.  Communication excellence takes time and effort and the more you practice the more quickly you can improve.

Communication tool | Kim Van Borkulo | ExecLauncher

How much time, you ask?

Typically, you improve noticeably in three weeks and grow more skilled in eight weeks.


Aside from getting rid of the headaches, why does it matter?

Verbal communication excellence is in high demand as the #1 skill sought by recruiters and hiring managers. It outranks complex problem-solving, working in teams, and writing well.


Why are leaders so desperate for skill?

Because it’s rare.

The most significant ‘gap’ among knowledge workers is this skill. Think about the competitive advantage honing it would give you, especially in today’s environment when companies are laying off workers.


Are there any other benefits?

When you struggle with communication, it can give you more than just a headache.  It used to make me shake and sweat, and it wasn’t ‘just uncomfortable’;  it was torture; This is why I developed this tool, to help people who were once like me.


If communicating gives you headaches because you’re long-winded and people want you to get to the point, or getting you to talk at all is like ‘pulling teeth,’ you can be vastly improved in eight short weeks.  


You can check out the class at ExecLauncher or see what people are saying about it in my recommendations. 


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